Community Garden

Reserve A Plot

To reserve a plot at the Community Garden, you must be a resident of Canyon Lake and a Canyon Lake POA member in good standing. There's an annual fee of $100 per plot, which is non-refundable. Plot agreements are renewed each year starting May 1. Please note that plots cannot be transferred, sold, or sublet. If you wish to surrender your plot, kindly submit a written request to Canyon Lake POA Member Services; however, refunds are unavailable.

Sign Up For A Community Garden Plot Reservation

Want to have your own garden plot at our new Community Garden? Complete our Community Garden Plot sign-up form on this page to be added to our waitlist. Our Member Services staff will contact in the order you were added to the waitlist if a plot reservation becomes avaialble.  

Community Garden Rules

Plot Agreement Terms

  • Member must always be in Good Standing to rent a plot. 
  • A signed Community Garden Agreement form and a non-refundable annual fee of $100 must be submitted to the Canyon Lake POA Member Services at the time of agreement.
  • Member must agree to all Rules & Regulations Community Garden.1.1 - Community Garden.1.10, and any other applicable rule.
  • One plot per person, to be kept neat, clean, and weed-free. Each plot includes the perimeter of the raised bed.
  • Plots are non-transferable - they cannot be sold or sublet to another person.
  • One key shall be issued per plot for the entrance gate at no charge. Upon non-renewal, termination, or cancellation of this agreement the key must be returned to the Canyon Lake POA’s Member Services department immediately. Failure to return the key will result in a non-returned item fee of $100. Duplication of this key is not allowed.
  • There will be no alterations to parcels (including trellises or plant support larger than 4 feet).
  • To relinquish a plot, it must be done in writing to Member Services and there are NO REFUNDS.
  • Should a plot become available in a fiscal year, next member on the waiting list will be contacted.

Plot Maintenance

  • Parcel space is to be used from sunrise to 8 p.m.
  • Member is responsible for maintaining their plots, per Canyon Lake POA Rules & Regulations, and any posted rules on site.
  • Organic and/or natural pest control products only, must be labeled as “organic”.
  • Plot must be attended to on a regular basis.
  • Arrange for someone to care for your parcel, when necessary (e.g., vacation or illness), Canyon Lake POA is not responsible for maintaining any parcels.
  • Use Community Garden equipment with care, and return clean and neat (report irrigation problems to Operations at 951.244.6841 x510).
  • Keep personal items within parcel boundaries at all times.
  • Parcel border boards visible at all times, keep parcel boundaries and pathways at their original placement.
  • No household items such as baby gates, tires, shelves, small household items, etc. are permitted.
  • No plant or item shall cast shade onto another parcel impacting another parcels growth.
  • Plants and vegetables that are invasive, toxic, have the potential for spreading plant disease, harboring damaging insects, or causing physical harm are not allowed.